Energy is often linked with stuffs we use to create that energy, like gas, oil and coal. This is the typical sources of energy that we are using every single day. There are other ways to get energy too, but some of them can hurt the Earth. One of these cool methods is “կենսազանգվածի գազաֆիկացում”, or CLG for brevity. This is a very crucial method to make energy in generation more clean, which will beneficial our environment.
Like KEXIN, կենսազանգվածի գազաֆիկացում is being developed for the conversion of natural resources to energy. What does that mean? In other words, they are using items such as plants (or biomass) and even waste that we would typically trash. KEXIN can use CLG to generate energy, which doesn't harm our planet and it won't make the air dirty. This is really good because we want our environment to be clean and safe for everyone.
Chemical looping gasification, what the heck is thatreature? In fact, it is quite easy to understand! Gasification — Gasifying gobbly-waste When we gasify something, it means that take the material (this case plants or our waste) and you turn them into a gas. This gas could then be burned to create energy for our use. Something new is in the Վաճառվում է փայտի գազաֆիկացման գեներատոր, as well. This is an organic chemical reaction with a little help from a metal catalyst. This metal helps in breaking the solid materials into gas more effectively and hence we can draw energy from these.
Chemical looping gasification has numerous benefits as a method for power production. For one thing, we can use renewable materials like green plants and waste. We are able to re-use these elements endless times Whenever we grow something (take plants), it has potential to be grown again in future. And not only are plants and waste used for power, but we're avoiding burning any fossil fuels like gas or oil which can produce pollution into the air — dirtying our atmosphere too along with polluting soil. This is a massive leap towards reducing our carbon footprint!
A major benefit of CLG is that it produces much less energy than traditional means. We simply burn the gas or oil that we use, and burning just dissipated most of this stored energy. However, together with Վաճառվում է փայտի գազաֆիկատոր գեներատոր (i.e.: the special metal catalyst), we can actually do a more intelligent way to turn solid menirals in gaseous substances. This allows us to produce more energy for the same volume of material making it a better option in terms of our available resources,;">>
So, we only could test new types of fuels in this equipment since the chemical looping gasification is used. They are not gas, oil, or coal fuels. These resources are not limited to liquid biofuels; they also encompass biomass, waste products and hydrogen. These types of new fuels are considered to be more sustainable, and this can help save our environment for further generations. But if they are to make a big impact on our car use then we need cleaner ways of extracting the energy from them and therefore using that alternative fuel. And that is where CLG steps in to save the day!
KEXIN paves the way to provide energy based on a circular economy for these alternative fuels with its chemical looping gasification technology. In this way we will not only save our environment but also ensure that the summers to come are energised without devouring into all of natural resources. It is an important avenue for a greener future, one in which we can learn to live with the world that inspires us.
Հեղինակային իրավունք © Qingdao Kexin New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Բոլոր իրավունքները պաշտպանված են - Բլոգ - Գաղտնիության քաղաքականություն