
working of downdraft gasifier

Downdraft gasifiers are key equipment in converting these naturally available material into energyjectories. Plants, trees and other living things absorb the sun's energy in chemical form through photosynthesis — turning carbon dioxide from the air into wood or plant matter of all kinds that we call biomass. The energy form we get from converting biomass, can be used to power our homes and businesses. We will look into what happens in a downdraft gasifier and try to make it as easy-to-understand possible by pointing out every single part of the way.

Biomass — natural materials from plants and animals Such as when a tree is chopped down, the residual wood chips and sawdust, this can be caught biomass When the farmers harvest their crops, they simply throw away crop waste which can also be used as biomass. In short, biomass is anything that can be derived from nature which we are able to use in order to obtain energy. With a downdraft gasifier we are able to take this biomass and transform it into something useful, energy.

The Science Behind Downdraft Gasification

It starts by feeding biomass to the gasifier. When the biomass gets inside air is forced downstream to initiate a chemical reaction. This is a big deal in that it converts biomass to gas. The gas is made up of chemical components, like hydrogen and carbon monoxide which are gases also true that more burning. After that, the flammable gases can be burned in engines and other mechanical devices which make them highly valuable.

Gasification – the gasifier carries out a special chemical reaction. The biomass is heated to a very high temperature–around 800 degrees Celsius, which really means- it's super hot in there. The biomass at this temperature decomposes into smaller pieces and liberates gas. This is important because it allows us to potentially convert solidified substances into a gaseous state that can be accessed for energy.

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