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allothermal gasification

We at KEXIN are very excited to announce a proprietary technology, gassifikazzjoni tal-bijomassa. There is only so much rubbish, after all, and this is a technology that we can use to convert the waste stowed away in landfills into energy. We can generate fuel with this method, from waste materials, such as wood waste or other materials that we manage to direct this technology. This is particularly crucial since the world requires additional energy every single day. Allothermal pyrolysis and gasification is a clean free energy generation system which is both non-polluting and eco-friendly.

Revolutionizing Renewable Energy with Allothermal Gasification

By challenging the status quo in renewable energy production through innovative ġeneratur tal-gassifikatur tal-injam għall-bejgħ, KEXIN is stepping up on a global scale. This unique tech enables us reduce the level of harmful gases that we emit to the environment. Our process uses a method called allothermal gasification for power plants that convert waste into power. For instance, we can generate energy from wood or plant waste rather than throwing it into a landfill. In this way, we minimize the rubbish disposed of and generate energy that derives from nature instance. It is a win-win for both the environment and our need for energy!

Why choose KEXIN allothermal gasification?

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