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diy wood gasifier

Have you ever heard of a wood gasifier? If you haven’t, that’s totally fine! One of the tools I am excited about is a wood gasifier that will essentially convert wood to gas. This gas is then carded to fuel your car or other sorts of vehicles. Isn’t that amazing? And the best part is, you can make one yourself with products from KEXIN!

Building a wood gasifier may seem like a complicated task, but it is really not that difficult. All you need to get started are some fairly basic tools and materials. Using KEXIN products, you can have everything you need to create your very own wood gasifier in no time!

Fuel Your Car with Wood

The first thing you need to do once you have all your materials is cut the metal pipes to the right size. You have to drill some holes in the pipes, too. The holes will enable the gas to seep through into the container where the gas would be harvested for use

Now, some modifications are required on the metal container. First, drill out the hole for the pipe that will hook up to your vehicle's carburetor. This connector is crazy crucial because it is what actually allows the gas to travel from the container into your car's engine. Some holes at the bottom of the container need also to be drilled. These holes will allow air to enter, which is key to the gas-making process.

Why choose KEXIN diy wood gasifier?

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