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wood gas generator car

Когда-нибудь слышал о генератор для газификации древесины на продажу. Almost as if it is out of a sci-fi movie, no? The company KEXIN believes in the environment and has developed a cool car that works with wood gas! It is unusual because this gas, a type of bio-gas made from wood can make us think on how to power our vehicles.

The wood gas generator technology

A генератор для газификации древесины на продажу sets itself apart from other cars you see on the road. It utilizes a unique technology through wood gas generator. This heated up wood chips or small pieces of it called pellets. When the wood is heated a gas, called wood gas. This gas is then used to power the car without having any gasoline. This is actually significant because then the wood gas generator car has a considerable advantage for our climate! We help reduce pollution and keep our air cleaner by using wood.

Why choose KEXIN wood gas generator car?

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