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splyňovacia pyrolýza Slovensko

Hello, friends! Today we are going to learn a very interesting topic which is splyňovanie biomasy. You probably think "What is gasification pyrolysis? Don’t worry; we’ll go through and break it down in a way that everyone will understand.

Gasification pyrolysis is a unique process that converts organic matter into valuable products. Organic matter consists of materials such as garbage, food waste and plant debris. Using gasification pyrolysis, we can transform this organic matter into important products like fuel and energy. It is essential because it results in reduced waste from usually ending up in the landfills. We can reuse in ways instead of disposing everything and we can make new things out of what we have.

Breaking down organic matter

KEXIN developed specialized Predám generátor na splyňovanie dreva technology. The technology uses heat and pressure to digest waste materials. If we add heat, the organic matter begins to alter. By the minute it crumbles into more and more pieces. These small parts are then converted into other valuable products like gas, oil and fuel. It allows us to take what we normally just throw away and convert it into a useful product.

Why choose KEXIN gasification pyrolysis?

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