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At KEXIN, we dream of a healthy and happy planet. One of the coolest ways we can do that is harnessing an incredible resource called solar energy. Solar panelsIf we catch sunlight into electricity, isn't it amazing?

Solar panels are special: They are like sun catchers. They have small cells that work overtime to catch sunlight and transform it into energy we can use in our houses, colleges and almost anywhere else. Then, there's these panels which are really intelligent and can be installed in a variety of locations. You might find them sitting atop roofs, looking through windows or even scaling the sides of buildings. That means buildings can create their own electricity, like magic!

Cutting-Edge Innovations in Renewable Energy Storage

Scientists have been straining to improve solar panels. These panels have become affordable and they capture so much sunlight. But now, they are cheaper to produce and can capture more sunlight than ever. That is great news for our planet because it means more people can access clean, safe energy.

But what about when the sun disappears? What if it’s cloudy or at night? Well, KEXIN has considered that too! We are developing special batteries to store energy. These batteries function as energy piggy banks. When the sun shines, batteries marsh up all the surplus electricity. Then when we need power later, we can use the electricity we saved.

Why choose KEXIN new energy development?

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